Resources on Medieval Difference and Diversity

How do we decide who we are in relationship to our past? If you are interested in thinking more about the relationship between culture and identity try the 2016 Reith lectures by Kwame Anthony Appiah.

Please become familiar with the new Medievalists of Color website, which has posts, resources, bibliographies, etc. Specific readings from MoC are posted below.

Recent Discussions in Medieval Studies on Difference & Diversity:

For more reading, start with Sarah Bond’s bibliography in her blog post “Hold My Mead: A Bibliography for Historians Hitting Back at White Supremacy

Medievalists of Color, “On Race and Medieval Studies”

Public Medievalist Series: “Race, Racism, and the Middle Ages”

The Past Couple of Months in Medieval Studies

Classicists Condemn Use of Images By Racists

Chris Quintana, For One Scholar, an Online Stoning Tests the Limits of Public Scholarship

Colleen Flaherty, Threats for What She Didn’t Say

On The Appropriation of the Middle Ages:

David Perry, “White Supremacists Love Vikings: But They’ve Got History All Wrong”

Jeffrey Jerome Cohen, Heritage is the Stories We Tell

Mary Dockray-Miller, Old English Has A Serious Image Problem

Maggie Williams, “Celtic” Crosses and White Supremacism

Clare Downham, “Vikings Were Never the Pure-Bred Master Race White Supremacists Like to Portray”

Vikings, Myths, and the Use of History

E.R. Truitt, Fantasy North

Race in Iceland: Can A Woman of Color Wear The Traditional Fjallkonan Garb?

The Role of Odinism in Contemporary White Supremacist Movements

New Religion of Choice For White Supremacists

The Far Right’s New Fascination with the Middle Ages

SPLC: Whose Heritage? Public Symbols of the Confederacy

Historical Amnesia About Slavery is a Tool of White Supremacy

Rebranding White Nationalism: Inside the Alt-Right

Racism, Medievalism, and the White Supremacists of Charlottesville

White Supremacist Statement on Diamondback Ironworks Website

These Are The New Symbols of Hate

Why The Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

Twitter Thread on White Supremacist Peter Cvjetanovic as Undergrad in Medieval Courses

Game of Thrones Shows Us How America Treats White Supremacy

National Awakening of Bulgaria

Teaching Medieval Difference & Diversity:


Medievalists of Color: Pedagogy & Bibliographies

Teaching Medieval Art History in a Time of White Supremacy

Black Central Europe, c.1000-1500



Note: If you have any recommendations for our resource page, please send us an email.